Friday, October 12, 2012

Blog Post 7

Networked Students

When watching the video “Networked Student” by Wendy Drexler I was amazed at all of the information that was provided. I realize that Google, Yahoo, and Bing can give a vast amount of knowledge for research, but there are other sources than those I have listed. As mentioned in this video there are ways to do research on an IPod, Computer, and ITunes. A student can literally find information about any topic at any time. This just leaves the question “Why would a student need a teacher’?
Well the teacher is there to, as Alex has stated in his video, offer guidance when the student gets in a jam. This is a very important for a student to be able to go to
 Networked Students
his/her teacher and ask questions. For instance if a student finds different opinions on a certain topic, which one should he/she go with? Well the teacher can offer his/her assistance to allow the student to get better information on that topic. The teacher can help sort out the false information from the factual information.
Another reason is the teacher shows how to communicate properly and ask respectfully for help from professionals. If the student does not know how to communicate with his/her classmates this could be a big issue. The students won’t be able to compare and contrast notes with others. This would lead to not getting correct information.
The teacher is also able to help the students turn the search into a scavenger hunt. This makes the topic interesting and fun. In a way it is sort of like a game! Who can find out the most accurate information on a certain topic. Even though we have a lot of resources to receive information teachers are needed for many different reasons.


In the video Welcome to My PLE I was in shock. The students have so many buttons on their computers. The buttons are all gateways to knowledge! You push one button you escape to a blog. Push another and you land in places you have researched for a topic. Doing school work this way is just wonderful! It is neat, organized, and cool. This gives the students the freedom and responsibility that they crave when they are young. Students feel that since they have the freedom they are willing to do the work
 Picture of the buttons
accurately and on time. This is a fun and interesting way to learn. I can see my students getting excited over something like this and I would love to put it in my classroom some day!


  1. Hey Courtney,i think you did a good job on your post. One thing I think you should do is divide your first section on the networked student into paragraphs. You have your picture in the middle of a sentence. You made some good about how the network teacher would be used basically as another resource for the students. I like how you said the school work could be considered a type of game. I think that when you make learning fun is when students actually learn. keep up the good work

  2. Courtney,

    This is a very well written post. You definitely understand the importance of a teacher in the 21st century. Our role is more crucial than ever. It is amazing that a 7th grader can put so many great resources together. It just shows what we can encourage our own students to do one day!
