Friday, November 2, 2012

Blog Post 10

I’m a Papermate, I’m a Ticonderoga

I find the comic “I’m a Papermate. I’m a Ticonderoga” , by John T. Spencer to be very interesting. This comic literally puts in perspective of higher end technology versus lower end technology. The only thing is that it is stating the pros and cons for each.
 Comic strip of I'm a Papermate, I'm a ticonderoga
The papermate is cheaper, but it breaks all the time. So that would be great for someone who wants to not spend a whole lot at first. The only downside is that they are going to have to keep replacing the Papermate. Now, with the Ticonderoga it states right off the bat that it is the most expensive piece of technology. The positive side is that it will not break easily and it is for “hipsters”. This means that it is the coolest thing around. So in perspective, even if a person pays for the cheaper technology now it will end up being just as expensive, with the repairing and replacing, as the higher end technology with one buy.

Mr. Spencer’s Post

When I was reading Why Were Your Kids Playing Games by Mr. Spencer it reminded me of when I sub. Students walk all over substitutes because that is what they think that can get away with. Substitute is just another word for babysitter to them, but if the teachers start leaving us something fun, such as; the “Fun Factory”, we can integrate learning and fun. This way students will be more willing to learn not only from their teachers, but also from their substitutes.
 No games
If we just give them a book and a worksheet and say “Go at it”, most of the students are going to ball it up and the piece of paper will end on the floor. I think that the principal had no right to tell the teacher how to teach his lessons. I say good for that teacher! We need more people like him because he knows what will get the kids engaged. It is almost as if the administrators do not care if the kids are engaged just if they are memorizing information. Hey I got news for you! That doesn’t work! Students do not want to be lectured all day. They get bored and frankly I would to. Give them something fun! Don’t make learning miserable!

After reading the Con Academy I asked the questions why are there teachers? I mean I know there are billions of answers out there, but what is the main answer. Oh yeah! TO TEACH!! Why would we bring in a bunch of worksheets and packets, and lets call it for what it is BUSYWORK, when we are there to teach the students?
Students do not need or want busywork they want to be engaged! They want to have fun while they are learning. In this blog post it almost seems as if the principal doesn’t respect his decisions at all. I mean come on! You have to see that this Con Artist of a man just wants your money. Yea its “free” now, but it won’t be later. Besides later may be to late! Students do not learn from worksheets and packets. They learn from interacting, visual aides, and group projects. Give them a worksheet and it will be crumpled on the floor or in the trash. Forgotten.

What Dr. McLeod thinks

I think that Dr. McLeod has made a very clear point in his post Don’t Teach Your Kids This Stuff Please . Technology is reaching new heights and there is no way to stop its growth. So instead of waging war against it, we should all just embrace it. Let us use the resources to better ourselves.
 Globe is draining into a computer
No, not everything on the internet is factual and knowledgeable, and yes there are some bad sights. But that is not all that is out there. We can make sure out students are on the computers for learning and resources not some good porno. Teachers can sort out the facts from the fiction. There are ways of preventing bad behavior and actions! If we do not use the internet then we are losing a valuable resource. When Dr. McLeod stated that his students will be the ones with a leg up in a decade he is being honest.

1 comment:

  1. "...some bad sights." and sites! You can still use sights because that is true as well.


    Mr. Spencer uses satire and metaphors. Dr. Mcleod uses sarcasm. Many students miss understand the use of these writing techniques. Watch for a detailed explanation in the class blog next week.
