Monday, November 12, 2012

Blog Post 12.

During the past few weeks I kept thinking about what I would have wanted Dr. Strange to do in our class. I had no idea what I would have wanted him to do. There is so much that we have learned and accomplished so far in this class. We have learned how to make book trailers, movies, how to use a green screen, blogs etc. I finally decided on what we should do after thinking for weeks. I love how IPhone, IPads, and IPods have really cool apps. Especially ones that are helpful for school! When we were asked to pick which app would be most useful I couldn’t decide. I then thought to myself “why not create my own?” and I did. We talk about how we want our students to follow what their assignments are. What is better then something that always goes with them? For my assignment I created my own App, and this is how I did it.

•I went to
 Picture of
•Click Create App.
•You will be asked if you have a website click no.
 Picture of app buttons
•Then get started creating your app. Remember you can change the style and format of the app.
•After you have finished click Save and Continue.
•You will be brought to a new screen. You will be asked to sign in or to create a new account, please do so.
•Your app will be displayed, but not put into the market places.

Unfortunately you will not be able to have your app in the market places unless you pay for it, but it will always be saved for you if you ever do want to use it. It is quite easy and fun to do. Just make sure you have an open mind and be willing to explore! If you would like to see how mine turned out, or to get it on your mobile device you can click here
 Finished Product


  1. Courtney,

    What a cool idea! Dr. Strange will definitely want to add this to his list of resources. I like how it incorporated a QR code as well. That is something I want to use in my classroom one day for homework and such.

  2. Courtney,
    I too was struggling with what to do! I find your idea very unique and exciting. I will be exploring creating an app of my own. Thanks!
